The Sensitives
Back in Drew Xanthopoulos' romantic and cinematic documentary, we meet with Joe, a patriarch whose affliction is that he's indifferent to his long-suffering wife. And twin sisters Sam and Nathan, musicians who are no more in a position to breathe outside their real life sterile"plastic bubble," and his mother, Karen, acquired her disease if she was only 17. These characters all suffer with debilitating sensitivities. Whether from genetics, nearby compounds, power, or psychogenic motives, the cause is not clear, however the truth of these ramifications on these individuals is incontrovertible. Luckily, Susie Molloy, a silent firebrand who's chemically sensitive herself, seeks to provide help. On her, those suffering by this malady are finding an advocate whose mission is always to de-stigmatize this particular community, and Xanthopoulos has crafted a film itself profoundly sensitive as its title suggests, in telling their stories. Cara Cusumano