Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome
The very first Cylon war was raging for 10 years and the fleet is joined by a young Ensign William Adama. He's disappointed never to be assigned to your fighter but to a freighter. His co-pilot,'' Lt. Coker Fasjovic, isn't overly keen on using a rookie flying his aircraft as he has just a short time before he becomes a civilian. Their cargo is a brand new scientist, Dr. Becca Kelly, but they no sooner leave she has fresh orders to get them and a fresh destination. She actually is concerning what her secret assignment is Adama is keen significantly less than forthcoming , particularly as it involves moving in to Cylon space that is controlled. Nothing is really as it seems however. -- Battlestar Galactica: Chrome & Blood can be really just a prequel into the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series. Distribution began as an pilot of a possible new series and later on.
Released: 2012-11-09
Sci-Fi & Fantasy