Crime Story
Crime Story is an American television drama, created by Gustave Reininger and Chuck Adamson, that conducted for 2 seasons and premiered in 1986. The executive producer was Michael Mann, who had abandoned his string Crime Story to be overseen by Miami Vice and direct the film Manhunter. Over 30 million viewers premiered with a two-hour pilot -- a picture that was exhibited theatrically -- also watched the series. It was subsequently scheduled to check out along with Miami Vice on Friday nights, also proceeded to attract a record number of viewers. NBC subsequently transferred the series to Tuesdays at 10 pm contrary ABC's Moonlighting, hurting its ratings that its cancellation was ordered by NBC after only two seasons.
Set from early, pre-Beatles 1960s, the show depicted two men -- Lt. Mike Torello and mobster Ray Luca -- having an obsessive drive to destroy eachother. As Luca started with street crime in Chicago, was"forced" from the Chicago Outfit and subsequently delivered to nevada to track their own casinos, Torello pursued Luca as thoughts of a special Organized Crime Strike Force. Torellohis friend Ted Kehoe, also Luca had developed from Chicago's"The Patch" area, also known as"Small Sicily" or"Little Italy" along with the temptations of this Forty-Two Gang. The series brought controversy and acclaim because of the serialized format, where there was a narrative told over an whole season, in the place of being episodic, as was normal with all shows.
Released: 1986-09-19
Duration: 60
United States of America