Mine Kings
Expert gem hunter Guy Clutterbuck has assembled a crack team of miners, from across the globe to source the planet most prized stone.
However, Guy would like to do it the right way, treat their workers fairly and his aim is to find small scale artisanal mines which have impact on the natural ecosystem.
Afterward he'll send his team to help your neighborhood mine source and then produce gems in a manner that is more efficient, and also most importantly forge a relationship with customers that'll make them suppliers later on.
It's a business plan that is speculative, but Guy hopes his 30 years' experience provides him the business enterprise edge!
In this brand-new series Guy journeys into the mountain high emerald mines of the Chivor district in Colombia in search of a rare magnificent Chivor emerald, to Madagascar in search of seven sapphires each a different colour, and into the mines of Zambia.
This is a lucrative business, but Guy has got a tough job on his own hands to make a profit whilst educating natives on gem hunting that is sustainable to take advantage of these tools.