Puzzle & Dragons X
The story takes place in a fantasy world where humans, Dragonoids, and Monsters live together and fight. People from three different races aren't all that different from each other. There are also Drops, which are spherical objects that come out of the planet. These can power up the Monsters and make them more powerful. They can become Dragon Callers if they can see the Drops, which makes them form bonds with monsters. People and dragonoids can do this, but only if they can. When a lot of Drops are made in a small area (and can spread), they make the land and the Monsters crazy. This is called "Drop Impacts." So, in fact, one of the main jobs of Dragon Callers is to make sure that the Drop Impacts don't get out of hand by keeping the distribution of Drops stable. Storyline: Ace is the son of King, a powerful Dragon Caller. Rena, who wants to be a Dragon Caller just like his father, is in the story. Drops start to appear and he finds an egg of an almost extinct species. He moves to Dragoza and joins many Dragon Callers, who used to live there but now do. At some point in the series, Charo and Tiger become friends with him. At the same time, his skills and knowledge improve as the series goes on. There are also the Ancients, who are a mix of dragonoids and humans. They are the leaders of Dragoza, and they look after the six regions of Dragoza. One of the Dragonoids that Ace meets all the time is Lance. Lance is a powerful Dragon Caller, and he thinks that the Dragonoids will save the world. Ace doesn't see Lance as an enemy. People like Ace and his friends are trying to figure out what caused the Drop Impact so that the planet doesn't get hurt and they can go on living their lives. There are also Dragonoids at Dragoza, who believe that their race should be the only ones in Dragoza. They think that they should be called Dragon Callers and that they can save the planet.