Samurai Deeper Kyo
In his manga series Samurai Deeper Kyo, Akimine Kamijyo depicts the adventures of a young samurai. It is set in Japan's Edo period, and it chronicles the journey of Samurai Deeper Kyo, a demon-hunting Samurai who is attempting to reclaim his samurai body from the body of his opponent, Mibu Kyoshiro. Benitora's successor, bounty-hunter Shiina Yuya, as well as Sanada Yukimura, a longtime foe of the Tokugawa, join Kyo in the quest for Benitora. Over the course of nine years, from October 15, 1999, to May 10, 2006, Samurai Deeper Kyo appeared in Kodansha's Weekly Shnen Magazine in serial form. In 2002, an animated television series based on the manga was produced. It ran for a total of 26 episodes from July 2, 2002, to December 23, 2002, on TV Tokyo. United Kingdom (UK), United States (US), Canada (Canada), Japan (Japan). 2002 saw the manga's acquisition by Tokyopop. But in 2009, Kodansha allowed its license agreement to expire so that the English version of Tokyopop could not continue. The manga series Samurai Deeper Kyo was taken up by Del Rey Manga shortly after, and the final volumes 35 and 36 as well as 37 and 38 have all been released in a single book. In 2003, Media Blasters purchased the anime series under its AnimeWorks banner. briefly shown on Encore networks in the United States.
Released: 2002-07-02