Shuffle's Narrative! Follows the life of R IN Tsuchimi, a typical senior school student who finds himself hunted after by various girls. Eight years prior to the start of the narrative, he also lost his parents in a car accident that also took the life of Kaede Fuyou's mother. From that point onwards, he began living with her. At roughly precisely the same time he lost his parents, he and Nerine along with Lisianthus met at times who all were accompanying their dads on a company in the world that was . Each girl became lost afterwards drifting through the world. During that time, each girl was befriended by R IN after playing them for a day. As a consequence of his kindness, R IN finds himself whilst the possible union candidate for both Lisianthus and Nerine, the allies of the king of the gods as well as king of the demon worlds, that recently move to Rin's school at the start of the narrative.