Spider-Man: The New Animated Series
Beginning on July 11, 2003, an American animated series called Spider-Man: The New Animated Series was based on the Marvel comic book superhero character Spider-Man. The show aired for one season, a total of 13 episodes, and ended on July 11, 2003. It serves as a continuation in a roundabout way to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movie from back in 2002. The program was produced with computer-generated graphics that was rendered in cel shading. It was shown on MTV and YTV. Reruns of episodes began airing on ABC Family eight months after the final episode of the series had first aired there as part of the Jetix television programming block. The animated comic book adaptations that are commonly seen on television for cartoons based on comic books were not at all like the version of the character that was featured in this series. Several of the characters in the series are strongly hinted to have had sexual encounters, in contrast to the more common tactic of just vanishing without a trace. In addition, characters die in a manner that is unmistakably fatal.
Released: 2003-07-11