The Herculoids
The Herculoids is a Saturday morning animated cartoon television series created and designed by Alex Toth and produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in the United States. The show debuted on CBS on September 9, 1967. The original 18 episodes of The Herculoids were rerun during the 1968–69 television season, with The Herculoids finishing its run on September6, 1969. Eleven new Space Stars episodes were produced in 1981. The plotlines are science fiction-based, with story direction and content akin to Jonny Quest and Space Ghost. This series is set on the faraway planet Amzot. The name "Amzot" initially appeared in the Space Ghost episode "The Molten Monsters of Moltar," and then in the series proper in the episode "Time Creatures."
Released: 1967-09-09