To Love-Ru
To Love-Ru is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Saki Hasemi, the creator of Black Cat. Between April24, 2006 and August31,2009, the manga was serialized in Shueisha's manga magazine Weekly Shnen Jump, and 18 tankbon volumes were published in Japan. In February 2008, an original story was included on a drama CD. Xebec's 26-episode anime series adaption aired in Japan between April and September 2008. Xebec created six original video animation episodes between April 2009 and April 2010. Between October and December2010, Xebec aired a 12-episode second season named Motto To-Love Ru. In August 2008, a Nintendo DS game was launched, and in October 2008, a PlayStation Portable game was released. On October 4, 2010, Shueisha's Jump Square magazine began serializing To Love-Ru Darkness, a continuation of the manga. In October2012, Xebec launched an anime TV series version of To-Love Ru Darkness. The title is derived from the English gairaigo "trouble," while "rabu" is derived from the English loan word "love." The title is a play on the words "love difficulty," which depicts the series' harem.
Released: 2008-04-04