Wycliffe is a British television series based on the novels of Detective Superintendent Charles Wycliffe by W. J. Burley. After the pilot episode aired on August7,1993, HTV created and aired the series on the ITV Network from July24,1994, until May5, 1998. A production office was located in Truro, Cornwall, where the series was shot. Nigel Hess won the Royal Television Society award for best television theme for his compositions for the series. Jack Shepherd portrays Wycliffe, with DI Doug Kersey and DI Lucy Lane providing assistance. Each episode focuses on the investigation of a murder. In the early series, the tales are derived from Burley's novels and are written in a typical whodunit style, frequently with eccentric characters and plots. In subsequent seasons, the show takes on a more lifelike tone and places a greater emphasis on police internal politics.
Released: 1994-07-24
Duration: 60
United Kingdom